Brooklyn Skate Garden

Frequently Asked Questions 

March 2024

Why are we building a skate garden?

Skateboarding and other action sports in New York City are rapidly growing! There are approximately 307K action sports participants in the city and not enough public space for them to participate. Without access to safe & legal places to play and exercise, skateboarders and other action sports participants are forced to turn to non-sanctioned and potentially unsafe spaces. Like any other public recreational space, skateparks are community parks. Often located within existing larger park footprints, and integral to activating public space, they are open to the public, accessible, and valuable. These are safe places for youth and adults to participate in all wheel sports, engage in community activity, and improve their mental and physical health. 

Why was Mount Prospect Park chosen as the location for this skate garden?

Recognizing the need for additional skateparks in central Brooklyn, The Pablo Ramirez Foundation initiated a community-driven petition that attained over 5,200 signatures to create a skate garden in the area. The Mount Prospect Park site was subsequently chosen by the city because it is in a neighborhood without access to a skatepark and is near public transportation and other recreation amenities. After the site was selected, the petition received 1,200 new signatures and counting. The site is in a park next to one of the largest and most utilized greenspaces in Brooklyn. The proposed location will not disturb tree root zones or other plant life. It also does not present drainage issues. The size and location of the proposed skate garden will allow it to exist in harmony with all the other uses in the park. The location and modern construction materials will not create significant noise pollution in surrounding areas

Will the project maintain local residents’ access to green space? Will the local community still be able to use the park for the same activities?

Absolutely! The skatepark portion of the project will utilize less than 12% of Mt. Prospect Park’s 340,000 square feet of space. The project will enhance the existing park and greenspace by upgrading a previously underutilized section of the park into a multi-use area with additional seating, space for public programming, and community garden opportunities while leaving the majority of the park’s open space intact. The playground will remain as it currently is and dog walking use in the space will continue where permitted.

Will the trees and plant life be impacted?

We love our trees! No trees will be damaged or removed and the project will add even more trees to the park. Properly designed, and with existing planned upgrades, the Skate Garden can better manage stormwater and include significantly more greenery than the existing space.

What does the design consist of?

There is no completed design yet! The design process will involve the community and is expected to proceed throughout the summer into the fall. The project will accompany several upgrades to the park, including:

  • New security lighting

  • New and improved landscaping and greenspace with opportunities to volunteer

  • Newly planted trees 

  • Upgraded and contemporary drainage systems

  • Entrance/Exit ramp modifications to address additional drainage issues and pedestrian congestion concerns

Will the local community have an opportunity to voice their input and share any concerns they may have about the project? 

Of course! We rely heavily on local residents and passionate constituents to help shape the design of new public recreation spaces in New York City. The first community meeting was held on March 25th. This was only the first opportunity for input. The project will follow NYC Parks' community engagement protocol for Capital projects including a scoping meeting in the Spring. 

Who is designing and building the skate garden? How long will it take?

The Skatepark Project is working with the Pablo Ramirez Foundation to design the project with community feedback and input. The Skatepark Project will be donating the costs of design to the city. As this project falls under the jurisdiction of NYC Parks, all elements will go through and be in accordance with NYC Parks’ development process and the design will align with historical aesthetic requirements. After design is complete, the New York City Economic Development Corporation will lead the construction of the project. With this unique project structure, we hope to cut the ribbon on the project by 2026. 

Will there be a lot of sound from the skate garden? 

Modern concrete skateparks are far quieter than traditional skateparks with steel or wooden ramps. Similar to the decibel range of a playground at 50 feet, skatepark noise averages between a normal conversational level and city street noise levels. Acoustic design considerations will be a critical part of the process to ensure minimal noise from the skateable portion of the park. In addition to intentional design to minimize sound travel within the park itself, the distance to nearby residences and surrounding tree coverage, combined with the site’s elevation, minimize the risk of acoustic disturbance in the surrounding residential areas.

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