Community Board 8

Email to:

Dear Chair Weatherspoon, Chair Watson, Ms. George, and members of Community Board 8,

Thank you for your dedication to our communities and for your willingness to engage in robust public dialogue. 

My name is (insert your name). As a local resident and frequent visitor to Mount Prospect Park, I welcome the creation of the Brooklyn Skate Garden, which will enrich our community and surrounding neighborhoods. 

As your constituent, I urge you to support this project, which will offer generations of New Yorkers a safe, sustainable environment to gather and build community. 

NYC's 300,000+ avid action sports participants -- mainly kids and teens -- have long been marginalized, pushed to the edges of the city's underpasses and roadways. They deserve safe green, healthy places to practice their passions.

The NYC Parks Department and our local officials have pledged that the creation of the BSG will not harm or disturb Mount Prospect Park's current activities. In fact, it will improve the park as a whole, with an environmentally sustainable infrastructure designed to mitigate flooding, new landscaping, and abundant new trees.

I am grateful that the NYC Parks Dept. is investing essential resources into this vital park that will endure for generations. Thank you for supporting the BSG at Mount Prospect Park. 


(Your name)

Past Events + Updates

Community Board 8
Full Board Meeting
Thursday, September 12th
6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Join us this Thursday, September 12th at 6:30pm for Community Board 8’s Full Board Meeting. These preliminary meetings matter! The community board wants to know why YOU support the Brooklyn Skate Garden. If you have never had a chance to attend your local community board meetings, now is the chance to join us and advocate for something that will enhance and your neighborhood. Get involved and learn all the steps that it takes to get our amazing Skate Garden built at Mount Prospect Park. 

Join Loren Michelle the Director of @pabloramirezfoundation and @brooklynskategarden aka @mammasplifff and bring your friends and skate advocates to attend. 

We hope you can make it!!! Save the date and mark your calendars. When you get involved with your community good things happen.

Even if you can’t physically make it to this Thursday’s meeting we encourage you to write emails of support to the community board and messages on the community board website for the Brooklyn Skate Garden and share why this project matters to you.

*See the bottom of this page for a sample letter and where to email it.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us by attending these very important meetings and continues to support the Brooklyn skate Garden. We appreciate all the advocates and our skate community. Together we are doing great things. 

What: Community Board 8 Full Board Meeting 

When: Thursday, Sept 12, 2024 (6:30 -9:00 pm)


Chelsea Piers field house

Prospect Heights / Brooklyn 

601 Dean St, Brooklyn, NY 11238

Why: Because these meetings matter!

Brooklyn Skate Garden Virtual Input Design Meeting
Wednesday May 1st, 6pm EST

Skaters, now is the time to share your ideas in what you would like to see in shaping & designing the Brooklyn Skate Garden.

This meeting is a great opportunities for everyone in our community to offer input on the design of the Brooklyn Skate Garden at Mount Prospect Park. 

Thank you to @theskateparkproject and all the locals and volunteers and skate advocates who have worked so hard to support the Brooklyn Skate Garden a project of the @pabloramirezfoundation and all these other incredible skate parks being revitalized and built for skaters and all wheeled riders in NYC. 

Thank you to @bkbreynoso @shahanafrombk @cmcrystalhudson @nycparks @nycmayorsoffice for believing in providing this growing community of skaters equitable green spaces to skate at our multi-use New York City Parks that are our backyards for ALL our residents.

Monday March 25, 2024
1st Community Engagement Meeting 

Thank you to everyone who came out and shared your support for the @brooklynskategrden to be built at Mount Prospect Park.

Our 1st  community engagement mtg was hosted on Monday March 25th and attended by over 300+ neighbors, skaters and who all shared their passions for BSG being built at Mount Prospect Park a city park for ALL.

The evening including remarks from @nyccomptroller @brad.lander @cmcrystalhudson @bkpreynoso @nycparks Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Martin Maher @nycmayorsoffice Ya-Ting Liu @theskateparkproject @benjaminbashein @alec_beck and Director of the Brooklyn Skate Garden and The Pablo Ramirez, Loren Michelle

For information about questions and frequently asked questions please click here.


The Brooklyn Skate Garden has been officially funded to make our dream a reality in Mount Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Thank you to the Mayor’s office, Brooklyn Parks Commissioner Marty Maher of NYC Parks, and our City Council Members Shahana Hanif, Crystal Hudson, and Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso. A big thanks goes out to The Skatepark Project whose support has been instrumental. We are forever thankful to all of the volunteers and NYC Skaters who have supported us by attending our events and getting behind our mission since 2019. 

The vision of BSG, inspired by The Pablo Ramirez Foundation, honors the legacy of Pablo Ramirez, whose life was the catalyst for this project.  Pablo grew up skating the streets of Brooklyn, NYC, and ultimately became a professional skateboarder. The BSG will be a haven for our youth and community. We are beyond thrilled to plant seeds and nourish our green spaces at our Mount Prospect Park home, in the cultural heart of Brooklyn. We welcome your support! We will continue to share BSG news and updates.